Training fidelity
Training engagement across groups
# Select screening variables
qn_data_train_time = qn_data %>% select(group, T_Self_Report, train_weeks)
# Rename groups
qn_data_train_time$group = dplyr::recode(qn_data_train_time$group,
CG = "Controls", TG = "Zirkus Empathico")
# Apply labels
qn_data_train_time = apply_labels(qn_data_train_time,
T_Self_Report = "Training time (min)",
sibs = "Training duration (weeks)")
# Prepare table
train_time_table =
by = group, # split table by group
type = c(T_Self_Report, train_weeks) ~ "continuous",
statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({sd})", # descriptives definition
all_categorical() ~ "{n} / {N} ({p}%)"),
digits = all_continuous() ~ 2,
missing = "no" # don't list missing data separately
) %>%
add_n() %>% # add column with total number of non-missing observations
modify_header(label = "**Variable**") %>% # update the column header
# Print table
Variable |
N |
Controls, N = 38 |
Zirkus Empathico, N = 36 |
Training time (min) |
71 |
323.76 (127.95) |
351.21 (122.52) |
train_weeks |
74 |
7.09 (0.90) |
6.98 (1.27) |
# Correlation training time with Screen time
#cor_qn_data = subset(qn_data, select = c(T_Self_Report, T_Screen_Time)
#cor_qn_data = na.omit(cor_qn_data)
#cor.test(cor_qn_data$T_Screen_Time, cor_qn_data$T_Self_Report, method = c("pearson"))
Difference testing for Training duration (in weeks)
tadaa_t.test(qn_data_train_time, train_weeks, group, direction = "two.sided", paired = FALSE,
var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, print = c("markdown"))
Table 1: Two Sample t-test with alternative hypothesis: \(\mu_1 \neq \mu_2\)
0.11 |
7.09 |
6.98 |
0.43 |
0.26 |
72 |
(-0.4 - 0.62) |
.668 |
0.1 |
Difference testing for total training time (minutes)
tadaa_t.test(qn_data_train_time, T_Self_Report, group, direction = "two.sided", paired = FALSE,
var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, print = c("markdown"))
Table 2: Two Sample t-test with alternative hypothesis: \(\mu_1 \neq \mu_2\)
-27.45 |
323.76 |
351.21 |
-0.92 |
29.79 |
69 |
(-86.87 - 31.97) |
.36 |
-0.22 |
Parental involvement
tadaa_t.test(app_stats, Practiced_without_parent, group, direction = "two.sided",
paired = FALSE, var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, print = c("markdown"))
Table 3: Two Sample t-test with alternative hypothesis: \(\mu_1 \neq \mu_2\)
0.26 |
3.38 |
3.11 |
0.85 |
0.31 |
70 |
(-0.35 - 0.88) |
.396 |
0.2 |
# with(app_stats, aggregate(Practiced_without_parent ~ group, FUN = sd))
Long-term effects
load.Rdata(filename="./data/qn_data_itt.Rdata", "qn_data_itt")
qn_data_itt = subset(qn_data_itt, ID != "3" & ID != "6" & ID != "7" & ID != "9" & ID != "17" & ID != "21"
& ID != "26" & ID != "28" & ID != "29" & ID != "34" & ID != "35" & ID != "36" & ID != "39"
& ID != "40" & ID != "41" & ID != "42" & ID != "44" & ID != "46" & ID != "48" & ID != "49"
& ID != "50" & ID != "51" & ID != "54" & ID != "55" & ID != "56" & ID != "62" & ID != "65"
& ID != "66" & ID != "68" & ID != "70" & ID != "71" & ID != "72" & ID != "73" & ID != "75"
& ID != "76")
# Select screening variables
qn_data_demog = subset(qn_data_itt, select = c("group", "sex", "age"))
# Rename groups
qn_data_demog$group = dplyr::recode(qn_data_demog$group,
CG = "Controls", TG = "Zirkus Empathico")
# Apply labels
qn_data_demog = apply_labels(qn_data_demog,
sex = "Sex",
age = "Age (years)")
# Prepare table
demog_table =
by = group, # split table by group
type = c(age) ~ "continuous",
statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({sd})", # descriptives definition
all_categorical() ~ "{n} / {N} ({p}%)"),
digits = all_continuous() ~ 2,
missing = "no" # don't list missing data separately
) %>%
add_n() %>% # add column with total number of non-missing observations
add_p() %>% # test for a difference between groups
modify_header(label = "**Variable**") %>% # update the column header
# Print table
Variable |
N |
Controls, N = 24 |
Zirkus Empathico, N = 17 |
p-value |
Sex |
41 |
>0.9 |
Female |
13 / 24 (54%) |
9 / 17 (53%) |
Male |
11 / 24 (46%) |
8 / 17 (47%) |
Age (years) |
41 |
4.87 (0.69) |
5.08 (0.80) |
0.4 |
Primary outcomes
gem_lt_anc = aov_ez("ID", "GEM", qn_data_T3, between = c("group", "time"), covariate = c("GEM_Total_T1"),
observed = c("GEM_Total_T1"), factorize = FALSE, anova_table = list(correction = "none",
es = "pes"))
Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
group |
1 |
77 |
140.7 |
10.05 |
0.1154 |
0.002189 |
time |
1 |
77 |
140.7 |
0.4229 |
0.005463 |
0.5174 |
GEM_Total_T1 |
1 |
77 |
140.7 |
13.71 |
0.1511 |
0.0003997 |
group:time |
1 |
77 |
140.7 |
0.4229 |
0.005463 |
0.5174 |
# Calculate generalized eta square and 95% CI
eff_size_prep = aov_car(GEM ~ group * time + Error(ID/time), data = qn_data_T3)
ges_GEM = eta_squared(eff_size_prep, generalized = "group")
# Extract values and vonvert them to Cohen's d
GEM_d_group = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$Eta2_generalized[1]/(1 - ges_GEM$Eta2_generalized[1])))
GEM_low_CI_group = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$CI_low[1]/(1 - ges_GEM$CI_low[1])))
GEM_high_CI_group = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$CI_high[1]/(1 - ges_GEM$CI_high[1])))
GEM_d_emo = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$Eta2_generalized[2]/(1 - ges_GEM$Eta2_generalized[2])))
GEM_low_CI_emo = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$CI_low[2]/(1 - ges_GEM$CI_low[2])))
GEM_high_CI_emo = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$CI_high[2]/(1 - ges_GEM$CI_high[2])))
GEM_d_emo_gr = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$Eta2_generalized[3]/(1 - ges_GEM$Eta2_generalized[3])))
GEM_low_CI_emo_gr = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$CI_low[3]/(1 - ges_GEM$CI_low[3])))
GEM_high_CI_emo_gr = 2 * (sqrt(ges_GEM$CI_high[3]/(1 - ges_GEM$CI_high[3])))
d_T3 = c(GEM_d_emo, GEM_d_group, GEM_d_emo_gr)
low_T3 = c(GEM_low_CI_emo, GEM_low_CI_group, GEM_low_CI_emo_gr)
high_T3 = c(GEM_high_CI_emo, GEM_high_CI_group, GEM_high_CI_emo_gr)
eff_size_T3 = data.frame(d_T3, low_T3, high_T3)
EMK 3-6 EM P
EMK_EM_P_lt_anc = aov_ez("ID", "EMK_EM_P", qn_data_T3, between = c("group", "time"),
covariate = c("EMK_EM_P_T1"), observed = c("EMK_EM_P_T1"), factorize = FALSE,
anova_table = list(correction = "none", es = "pes"))
Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
group |
1 |
77 |
9.268 |
0.3967 |
0.005125 |
0.5307 |
time |
1 |
77 |
9.268 |
0.1706 |
0.002211 |
0.6807 |
1 |
77 |
9.268 |
6.272 |
0.07532 |
0.01438 |
group:time |
1 |
77 |
9.268 |
0.8654 |
0.01111 |
0.3551 |
Secondary outcomes
EMK 3-6 ER P
EMK_ER_P_lt_anc = aov_ez("ID", "EMK_ER_P", qn_data_T3, between = c("group", "time"),
covariate = c("EMK_ER_P_T1"), observed = c("EMK_ER_P_T1"), factorize = FALSE,
anova_table = list(correction = "none", es = "pes"))
Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
group |
1 |
77 |
1.37 |
1.367 |
0.01745 |
0.2459 |
time |
1 |
77 |
1.37 |
0.2737 |
0.003542 |
0.6024 |
1 |
77 |
1.37 |
51.98 |
0.403 |
0.000000000332 |
group:time |
1 |
77 |
1.37 |
0.5586 |
0.007202 |
0.4571 |
SDQ_PB_lt_anc = aov_ez("ID", "SDQ_PB", qn_data_T3, between = c("group", "time"),
covariate = c("SDQ_PB_T1"), observed = c("SDQ_PB_T1"), factorize = FALSE, anova_table = list(correction = "none",
es = "pes"))
Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
group |
1 |
77 |
2.562 |
0.7285 |
0.009372 |
0.396 |
time |
1 |
77 |
2.562 |
0.7119 |
0.00916 |
0.4014 |
1 |
77 |
2.562 |
26.43 |
0.2555 |
0.000002016 |
group:time |
1 |
77 |
2.562 |
0.9213 |
0.01182 |
0.3401 |
SDQ_total_lt_anc = aov_ez("ID", "SDQ_Total", qn_data_T3, between = c("group", "time"),
covariate = c("SDQ_Total_T1"), observed = c("SDQ_Total_T1"), factorize = FALSE,
anova_table = list(correction = "none", es = "pes"))
Anova Table (Type 3 tests)
group |
1 |
77 |
11 |
3.114 |
0.03887 |
0.08157 |
time |
1 |
77 |
11 |
3.271 |
0.04075 |
0.07441 |
SDQ_Total_T1 |
1 |
77 |
11 |
23.72 |
0.2355 |
0.000005812 |
group:time |
1 |
77 |
11 |
0.1658 |
0.002149 |
0.685 |
Session info
# Get session info
R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18362)
Matrix products: default
[1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252 LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] sjmisc_2.8.6 sjstats_0.18.1 sjPlot_2.8.7
[4] rstatix_0.7.0 RColorBrewer_1.1-2 psych_2.1.3
[7] plyr_1.8.6 ppcor_1.1 MASS_7.3-53.1
[10] pander_0.6.3 jmv_1.2.23 ggpubr_0.4.0
[13] GGally_2.1.1 foreign_0.8-81 esci_0.1.1
[16] emmeans_1.5.5-1 eegUtils_0.5.0 corrplot_0.84
[19] car_3.0-10 carData_3.0-4 broom_0.7.6
[22] afex_0.28-1 lme4_1.1-26 Matrix_1.3-2
[25] tadaatoolbox_0.17.0 miceadds_3.11-6 mice_3.13.0
[28] gtsummary_1.4.0 expss_0.10.7 eeptools_1.2.4
[31] XLConnect_1.0.3 forcats_0.5.1 stringr_1.4.0
[34] dplyr_1.0.5 purrr_0.3.4 readr_1.4.0
[37] tidyr_1.1.3 tibble_3.1.1 ggplot2_3.3.3
[40] tidyverse_1.3.1 kableExtra_1.3.4
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] estimability_1.3 R.methodsS3_1.8.1 coda_0.19-4
[4] knitr_1.32 multcomp_1.4-16 R.utils_2.10.1
[7] data.table_1.14.0 rpart_4.1-15 generics_0.1.0
[10] cowplot_1.1.1 TH.data_1.0-10 commonmark_1.7
[13] proxy_0.4-25 future_1.21.0 webshot_0.5.2
[16] xml2_1.3.2 lubridate_1.7.10 httpuv_1.5.5
[19] assertthat_0.2.1 viridis_0.6.0 xfun_0.22
[22] hms_1.0.0 jquerylib_0.1.3 rJava_0.9-13
[25] evaluate_0.14 promises_1.2.0.1 fansi_0.4.2
[28] dbplyr_2.1.1 readxl_1.3.1 DBI_1.1.1
[31] tmvnsim_1.0-2 htmlwidgets_1.5.3 reshape_0.8.8
[34] ellipsis_0.3.1 backports_1.2.1 signal_0.7-6
[37] bookdown_0.21 insight_0.13.2 jmvcore_1.2.23
[40] vctrs_0.3.7 sjlabelled_1.1.7 abind_1.4-5
[43] withr_2.4.2 checkmate_2.0.0 vcd_1.4-8
[46] mnormt_2.0.2 svglite_2.0.0 cluster_2.1.2
[49] lazyeval_0.2.2 crayon_1.4.1 labeling_0.4.2
[52] pkgconfig_2.0.3 nlme_3.1-152 vipor_0.4.5
[55] nnet_7.3-15 rlang_0.4.10 globals_0.14.0
[58] lifecycle_1.0.0 miniUI_0.1.1.1 sandwich_3.0-0
[61] modelr_0.1.8 cellranger_1.1.0 matrixStats_0.58.0
[64] lmtest_0.9-38 boot_1.3-27 zoo_1.8-9
[67] reprex_2.0.0 base64enc_0.1-3 beeswarm_0.4.0
[70] png_0.1-7 viridisLite_0.4.0 ini_0.3.1
[73] parameters_0.13.0 rootSolve_1.8.2.1 shinydashboard_0.7.1
[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 90 entries ]